Saturday, June 30, 2007


I am back from Boston, and I had such a great time. Not even the one hundred degree weather could spoil it for us. (Although having a sweaty back and wet pants on a consistent basis nearly did) We did many things; visited the penguins at the aquarium, toured Boston on the Duck Tour with the Great Garibaldi, met some crazy Korean War Veterans, rode (?? is that the word) on the ferry, and visited the USS Constitution among other things, mainly shopping and visiting such corporate monsters as Starbucks and Walgreens.

There were some intense photos taken, of which I'll probably upload laters.


Saturday, June 23, 2007

Hey Kids, Rock and Roll

Hey kids, rock and roll, nobody tells u where to go baby. - REM, in the ridicularsly depressing "Drive".

I'm really enjoying the Importance of Being Earnest right now. It's actually really funny. See, I have always been that really nerdy kid who thought humor for previous centuries was funny. Like, Shakespeare- I laughed out loud while reading A Midsummer's Night... and I'm sorry DC Berman, but I wasn't trying too hard.

I'm going to BeanTown soon, and I'm very excited.

Other than that, nothing is really new with my life. Which is a good thing, really, since I'm content where I am at.

I just hope I feel better in the coming weeks. IDK...i'm just still really tired, and my stomach will feel good one day, then the next day it isn't...and I just don't want to get sick

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

And yet another

While driving down the road, and looking for an address, do you turn the radio down?Nope, let that music play!
Pretend you are a really good cook, what meal would you make?Shepherd's pie and mad soups and stews
What is your favorite piece of clothing in your closet?My pretty '50's green and white dress
Why?Because it is my favorite style
If you could quit your job right now, and be anything you wanted, what would it be?A writer, actress, some person on TV in England
What do you think of when you look at the stars?How many people are looking at the same stars
When you add someone into your cell phone, do you use there real name, or there nickname?Nickname
If you use there real name, do you add there last name?Nope
How much information do you ask for before you sleep with someone?Um, can't say I go around asking people if they want to sleep with me.
How long do you date someone before you sleep with them?Never even had a real boyfriend, so I guess this doesn't apply.
If you could say ONE THING to the president, what would it be?One more year to go and we're free!
If you could meet ANY president, dead or not, who would it beJFK
If you could get rid of the holiday season, would you?NOOO WAY!
Why?Christmas is materialistic, but I love it anyway
IF you could go to any state, which one would you go to and why?Cali or Mass
Would you ever get a personalized license plate?I used to want to get one, but now I am not sure
If yes, would would it say?JK JK LOL
If you could go back to college, what would you major in?Haven't been to college yet
Before you go to sleep at night, what do you think of?I imagine scenarios in which I rule the world
What is your favorite kind of weather?Cool, sort of damp
Do you find it a bit unnerving doctors call what they do practice?No..
If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked?Homeless
If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?Hmm, never thought of that!
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Body or FaceHmm, I'm not too picky
Looks or PersonalityPersonality comes first
HeightI don't care quite so much, but I like taller guys
WeightFit like Russell Brand lol
Hair ColorDark brown
Eye ColorDoes not matter, I like brown and green eyes
Most Important Physical FeatureEyes
Good/Bad Traits
FunnyOne of the most important they could have
LoudDon't care for loud guys unless they're funny/witty
SeductiveSeductive as in arrogant? No
QuietI like quiet guys
ShortAs long as they're not shorter than me
AthleticI suck at sports, but David Beckham is nice. As long as you don't expect me out on the field
FatFat as in obese, or fat as in cute and chubby?
ImmatureThrow them off a cliff
CompetitiveNot really
HyperHmm, they need to know when to calm down
SmokerAs long as I'm not there at the time
DrinkerDon't care, as long as they're not alcoholic
DumbNo dumb nuts
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at

More Silly Questions

What would you do if?:

What would you do if?
The President of the United States called you:Hang up
You won the lottery:Do something nice for mum, move to Edinburgh
You got invited to be on a reality TV show:Probably decline
You caught a friend stealing from you:Laugh and then wonder wtf?
You witnessed a murder:Be incredibly frightened, call the police
A random stranger offered you candy:Decline
MySpace and Facebook closed:Life goes on
A genie granted you one wish:More wishes
You lost your favorite possession:Cry, cry, cry
You found 10 dollars on the ground:Take it, take it!
Your date throws up on you:Be frrreeaked out
Someone cut off a chunk of your hair:Slap them, ask for it back
Your favorite celebrity comes to visit you:Marry him, and/or have his babies, be set for life
You were stranded on an island with nothing but the ability to make one phone call:A pilot to pick me up
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Another Thing

Complete the phrase
You fill in the blanks
by Tjshome
    1. What is Your Name? Laura Elizabeth Fiorelli
    2. How old are you? 17 years
    3. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace? this is

    Fill in the Blanks
    4. Summer is _______ like a neverending weekend
    5. School is for ____________ hot geeks like me
    6. Friends are like ___________ salvation
    7. Dogs are for ___________ dog lovers
    8. Braces are __________ a right of passage
    9. All boys are ___________ dense and/or really really dense
    10. All girls are _____________ self concious
    11. American Idol is ___________ fun as hell
    12. Spongebob is the ___________ only cartoon I couldn't get into
    13. I cant beleive I ________________ used to eat sugar from the sugar bowl
    14. I like wearing __________ tights
    15. Beer is _________ really funky
    16. I'm as fat as a __________ girlfriend of Lord Byron's
    17. I have too many __________ old mascara tubes laying around
    18. I like eating ____________ in general
    19. Sex is _____________ your chance to either be ridicularsly embarrassed and ashamed and/or a good thing?
    20. Myspace is a place to _______________ pimp it out
    21. Surveys are __________ fun!
    22. Skinny Dipping is __________ chilly
    23. Gays are ____________ friends
    24. Family is not as important as _________ ......idk??
    25. Before I goto sleep I _____________ imagine
    26. I was really embarrased when __________ i was born naked
    27. Bush is ____________ pretty incompetent
    28. boys have big __________ heads
    29. I hate __________ boys
    30. Crying is for ______ those who can't laugh
    31. Marriage is ______ a long way away
    32. Swimming is _______ a fun concept without the bathing suit part
    33. I would do anything for _______ my best friends, and russell brand (that was really random)
    34. I wake up at ___________ 6 in the morning to pee
    35. I fear ___________ global warming
    36. I bought a ___________ lot of makeup today :-( I am broke
    37. I drink ___________ water
    38. Mondays are _______________ Bob Geldof's least favorite day
    39. ____________________________________ And that is all my friend.

Take This Survey | Create a Survey

Sunday, June 17, 2007


"don't be afraid what your mind conceals, you should make a stand. stand up for what you believe"

ok, invincible might be corny. but i really like that lyric. don't be afraid what your mind conceals. that's like the ultimate artist's issue. not to be afraid of letting themselves go, etc.

whatevs whatevs

two sad arsed songs and their videos that freak me out

rows of houses
all bearing down on me
i can feel death
blue hands touching me
all these things into position
all these things will one day swallow whole
and fade out again

this machine will not communicate these thoughts
and the strain i am under
be a world child form a circle
before we all go under
and fade out again

cracked eggs
dead birds
scream as they fight for life
i can feel death
can see it's beady eyes
all these things into position
all these things we'll one day swallow whole
and fade out again

immerse your soul in love

there's a bluebird at the window
I can hear the songs he sings
all the jewels in heaven
they don't look the same to me
I just wade the tides that turn
Though I learn to leave the past behind

It's only lies that I'm living
It's only tears that I'm crying
It's only you that I'm losing
Guess I'm doing fine

All the battlements are empty
And the moon is laying low
Yellow roses in the graveyard
Got no time to watch them grow

Now I bade a friend farewell,
I can do whatever pleases me

it's only lies that i'm living
it's only tears that i'm crying
It's only you that I'm losing, guess I'm doing fine.

press my face up to the window
see how warm it is inside
see the things that i've been missing
missing all this time

Stay Tuned For

Part Three of My Favorite Albums

nintendo wii

Ok, got a Wii yesterday.



I have always liked video games, but was used to the fact that I could never be better than my brothers or my cousins who consistently played N64, then of course xbox 360, etc. Of course, I do remember beating Mike's ass in Mortal Kombat which was a ton of fun for a six year old. But last night, when we plugged in the Wii, I completely surprised myself.

Using my sporty left hand as the dominant one, I never lost a game of Wii boxing. I played for one entire sweaty hour. My BO was disgusting by the time I was done. I was a CAGE FIGHTER, threatening my opponent's until the words KNOCK OUT!!! appeared on the screen. Then I just rubbed it in their sweaty, bleeding faces.

I am an animal. I am possibly the greatest Wii Boxer. My brother was laughing at me, because prior to boxing we played golf and I wasn't that great at that (but in real life, I could probably kick his ass in golf).

Bow down to me

Thursday, June 14, 2007

RIP Frankie

RIP because you were the only one I ever liked on the Real World.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Way To Ruin My Studying Time For Finals, Sopranos

For the last two days, I have been racking my brain, back and forth back and forth- wtf was up with the finale? TEN SECONDS OF SILENCE?????? DID IT HAVE A POINT? Unlike others, I believe the finale was brilliant and it was cool and stuff, but I just don't know what to think. did he die? was he shot? Was the purpose of the last scene just to describe to us that paranoid life goes on for Tony with his nuclear family??? BUT THEN WHAT WOULD BE THE PURPOSE OF A TEN SECOND BLACK OUT???

IMO, Tony is dead.

For two minutes.

Then IMO, Tony is still alive.

Then Melfi comes in and shoots up the diner and I know I'm just going crazy.


dance party!!!

Monday, June 11, 2007


I shat myself at least three times.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

A Season Of Fulfillment?

Could it be that this summer has potential to be the greatest ever? A job, giving me money to indulge my clothing and shoe wear needs. A shit load of ITunes music needing to be bought. A huge stack of books. A HUGE STACK OF BOOKS.
See, last summer, I said to myself, "Hey, let's read a ton of books this summer and be cool". That didn't happen.

But- this summer is different. During the year I was an AP student, and spent much time ruminating over passages from Thomas Paine's works and Ben Franklin's autobiography. Now it is the summer. And after finals this week, I will begin my quest for literary fulfillment as I attempt to grow all the hair back that I had lost from stress.


1. American Psycho- Ok ok, I finished this book so technically my quest is already underway.

2. Sense and Sensibility- Because there is nothing better than reading a classic novel after seeing the movie countless times, thus using Kate Winslet and Hugh Grant as the characters in your mind's eye.

3. Persuasion- Yiz, it has been sitting on my dresser for a year now. It shall be read.

4. Dubliners- I started this one already. James Joyceeee.

4. Fires In The Dark- Holocaust lit

5. Rob Roy- I am really excited for this one. There's a guy with a kilt on the cover! Oh my God, I can't wait.

6. celine's biography- This is a controversial one!! Celine was such a freak! But I love the Claudette Novels!

7. Crash by JG Ballard- Crazy, but it shall be read. It shall.

8. Brideshead Revisted- Because I like British people.

9. A Confederacy of Dunces- It is time to revisit the madness and the brilliance.

And that is all I have for now.

Look at me, I'm David Byrne and I am really really hot ::laura gets flustered and confused at this recent revelation::

I Have To Return Some Video Tapes; An American Psycho Book Review

He lives in the American Gardens Building on W. 81st Street on the 11th floor. His name is Patrick Bateman. He's 27 years old. He believes in taking care of himself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if his face is a little puffy he'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. He can do 1000 now. After he removes the ice pack he uses a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower he uses a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then he applies an herb-mint facial mask which he leave on for 10 minutes while he prepares the rest of his routine. He always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

American Psycho is an epic American tale of Reaganism, the 1980's, and Yuppies. So epic, in fact, Patrick Bateman is kind of like Paul Bunyan. But anyway, "I can only get these sheets in Santa Fe. Are you trying to say "Bleach-ee?"

I find American Psycho to be a scathing satire of the self-interested world of Wall Street, and "I don't think we should see each other anymore." Critics, "just cool it with the pretentious remarks". Even though it may be difficult to read through all those violent scenes, "I can get you a lime" and it's worth it in the end.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Which One of You Bitches Wants to Dance?

Hello there.

Today was prom. I didn't go. Instead I went shopping. I am only going to write in stilted sentences. Like Hemingway. Tomorrow is the baby party. I will make my cousins enter a baby race. Catherine will win.

Boston is soon! I'm going to lose my mind in miles of Irish smiles.

I want to be in a dance off. I'd win.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007



Sew Is I'd Is Painless!!!!




Monday, June 04, 2007

Can you tell I'm faking it?
But I want to be myself
A counterfit disposition
Can't be good for my health
So many different faces
Depending on the different phases
My personality changes
I'm a chameleon
There's more then one dimension
I can fool you and attract attention
Camouflage my nature
Let me demonstrate...

Makeup's all off
Who am I?
Magic's in the makeup
Who am I?

If you bore me then I'm comfortable
If you interest me I'm scared
My attraction paralyses me
No courage to show my true colors that exist
But I want to be the real thing
But if you catch my eye can't be authentic
The ones I loath are the one's that know me the best

My makeup's all off
Who am I?
The magic's in the makeup
Who am I?

The makeup's all off
Who am I?
If the magic's in the make up
Then who am I?
Magic's in the makeup
But I want to be the real thing
But the magic's in the makeup
And I want to be the real thing

My makeup's all off
Who am I?

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Falling In Love With Russell Brand

Who is this slightly weasley creature with funny Victorian/goth clothing and an outstanding command of the English language? It is Russell Brand, my fellow Americans. And after getting over the initial fear of the man, I think he is one of the funniest and hottest ppl on Earth.

It's kind of sad, that every single female falls in love with this somewhat notorious womanizer.

But look at the statistics.

1) He's hot- Yeah, the hair is weird, but Russell Brand is hot in this really campy way.
2) His dress sense- It's different, it attracts attention, etc. Girls love it.
3) He is a funny one, and he is very clever and expresses himself well.
3) Did I mention he's fit??????