Thursday, December 07, 2006


Sorry, completely screwed up there. Anywhooo, let's commence.

1. Orbit Lemon Lime gum- This is the best gum on the planet. Forget Stride. Forget bubbilicious. Forget any minty flavors and caffeine gums you've been chewing. Lemon Lime is the best flavor known to man. End of story. 1.00

2. Mod a-line dresses. All I'm saying. 30.00+ (?)

3. Mad guns- On Barbs, on me, on Hoggie. On whomever. (Depends on the price of your gym membership, or how many hammers you use while making a spice rack)

4. Not being able to say what you really want to in dire situations, and having the words on the tip of your tongue- PRICELESS.

call me morbid, call me pale, i spent six years on your traaaail. six long years of my life on your trail

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