Wednesday, April 18, 2007

What I'm Thinking

Everytime something heartbreaking and disasterous happens, I'm flooded with empathy and sympathy for the families and people effected.

Events like that are a part of you for the rest of your life. Whether it's fair or not.

It's like, you can mourn and grieve and then you're forced to go on. And then you move on in life, but you always get flashbacks and experience memories you tried to repress.

Then I start to think about the absurdity of the events, and why it's always the innocent that have to suffer.

After all these years, I still have so many questions and I still feel sad and I guess mourn in a different way. Like, what would our lives be like if any of it didn't happen? And although the victims of VTech are older than I was at the time, I can still relate; because I know what it's like to have your life change forever from a traumatic and insane event.

I really hope that they can recover and move on the best they can. As nicely as possible. Because the truth is, a part of them will never recover because something was taken from them. But I just hope they make an ok transition, and I'm thinking so much about all of them.

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