Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Real 9/11 Truth Movement

"That's an internet theory and it's hopelessly implausible. Hopelessly implausible. So hopelessly implausible I don't see any point in talking about it."- Noam Chomsky, in reference to all the 9/11 Truth Movement Nonsense.

The Real 9/11 Truth Movement is represented right here.. aka, it is fully knowing that yes, our government is not perfect and yes, they probably received warnings of attacks on America...


You know what? Reality sucks. Reality is a tough one. Yes. After 9/11, my whole reality was shaken and my world changed. I was sucked into a new reality, forced to grow up within seconds, forced to enter the "Real World". And it was hard, and sometimes I still can't wrap my head around the events that happened that day.

But I have accepted it.

Unfortunately, some others cannot accept the fact that 9/11 was a completely random, insane, and ridiculous event. There is no real logic behind it for us Americans. And whenever someone has a hard time accepting the truth of a situation, they attempt to form reasoning. No one wants to believe 9/11 was a horrible day where thousands of innocent lives were killed. So they want someone easy to blame (and not just some man hiding in a cave). So they blame the government.

There is a phenomenon occurring in all the in which someone nitpicks a small detail that "can't be true" and then completely goes back and reasons that everything must be a lie, that we were all fed lies because God forbid something doesn't quite add up in our little minds.

I think that one day I would like to go through all the beliefs and claims of The 9/11 Truth Movement and, with the help of REPUTABLE SOURCES, refute ALL OF THEM. But that will be another day. For now, I am focusing on the essence of its stupidity and all the personal problems I have with it.

On a crude and perhaps admittedly ignorant level, I see Loose Change followers as uneducated, ignorant mid-westerners who have no real connection to 9/11 other than what they saw on TV. As someone who has family that died in the WTC, as well as family friends and acquaintances who died on those airplanes,

There are many questions this comes down to..among them, my favorites:

1) Why the Hell? To what purpose would it serve Bush to plan an attack on the WTC and kill thousands of people? To attack Iraq? Um, hardly. Yes, Bush was probably planning his move on Iraq the day after 9/11... and even though he is an idiot and surrounds himself with idiots, he could have found a better reason for invading Iraq. Killing thousands in the process? Maybe in a George Orwell book. What do you know about Bush? He is one dumb nut. Before 9/11, he spent nearly everyday of his presidency GOLFING. Ok? Not planning a conspiracy never seen by this world before. He was a lame duck president. A lame duck. He may be stupid and he's made some bad choices, but I don't think he's evil enough to kill his own people..

2) Who are you going to believe? Are you going to believe the truth, or what some asshole named Dylan Avery has told you in a cheap documentary called "Loose Change"? Are you going to take one bored young man's word and a bunch of ill reputable "scientists" who can't be trusted? Are you going to completely deny reality as it stands and stick your head in the ground? Chances are, if you believe anything in Loose Change, you are doing so. And at the risk of sounding like a crazy patriotic American, I will say this: if you don't take anything said in Loose Change with a grain of salt, you are really offensive to all those hundreds of people who died on the airplanes that day because Loose Change DENIES THEIR EXISTENCE.

There ya go!! Hey, I knew of two people on those planes! Did they exist? Yes. Ok. Loose Change, go screw yourself. They were not made up social security numbers, there were not false cell phone calls made that day from "computers" using voice technology.

And Loose Change loosely pulls at strings and, just like our government, uses fear and ignorance to completely puzzle our minds and brainwash us into sheep.


p.s. sorry if this sounded like the ramblings of some asshole, but i meant every incoherent and loosely put together sentence.

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