Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Facts Project

Here are twenty interesting facts about myself.

1. When I was little, I had recurring dreams of being lost in a mansion run by mechanical elves, much like the "It's A Small World" ride thing at Disney World.

2. Recurring characters in my dreams include Owen Wilson, Crispin Glover, Michael J. Fox, and David Cross.

3. I love vintage dresses, and buy clothes from a Red Bank thrift shop, Backward Glances, occassionally.

4. In seventh grade, I was a huge hippy.

5. My first concert was NSYNC, but then I worked my way up into coolness with a No Doubt concert, Bruce Springsteen, and BOB DYLAN!!!

6. Halloween is my second favorite holiday.

7. I love doing needlework- crotcheting, knitting, cross stitching.

8. Winter is my favorite month because of my birthday, Christmas, and the coziness of it being cold outside and warm inside!

9. I rock at mini-golf, and make bets that I will win each time I play. (I'm always right).

10. I thought that on Y2K, the lights would go out and the world would end.

11. When I was little, I convinced myself I saw Santa Claus and an elf by my Christmas tree. My imagination was really overactive, what can I say?

12. My oldest brother would hold me and run down the stairs when I was a little girl. I seem to remember him dropping me, and flying down the stairs!!!! (Like Superman). This is probably a dream.....

13. Last year I didn't believe in dinosaurs. Not for religious reasons, but because the whole idea of dinosaurs is just so weird.

14. On Easter 1996, my mom and I were sick, so we slept downstairs on the couch. Next to the couch we had all our medecine, soda, crackers, etc. I couldn't sleep so I stared out the window and saw lights from the sky, like a UFO.

15. I met Yoko Ono.

16. I know that Tom Cruise is gay and sterile from a pretty reliable source (? You can never really tell, but I believe him).

17. I played with dolls until I was twelve years old.

18. I read all the American Girl books, and loved Molly the most.

19. My favorite instrument is the violin.

20. I knew about the whole McGreevey scandal beforehand, because of my seriously cool connections.

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