Sunday, September 02, 2007


woops, i meant king= colhquans or whatevs.

scottish ancestry is fun to look up, because if you're scottish you're bound to be related to someone who was an outlaw of some sort or some sort of odd mystical wizard.

and irish ancestry is fun too, except the part of my family from northern ireland...mallahan is a totally uncommon name, and they all seemed to emigrate in the 1700s-1800s when records were not that great. however, we do know a certain amount about the fam, like the fact that i had a cousin in the civil war, james mallahan cain was a cousin,his mom was an opera singer and a bunch of other cousins lived in massachussetts and owned bars and pubs. if you're a mallahan and meet another by the same name, you're guaranteed to be related.

i'm just thinking about family history b/c my aunt came home from ireland recently, and she found the stone ruins of the house our grandma/great grandma lived in with her fam. on the farm. how amazing is that.

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