Monday, January 29, 2007

it's monday

Oh, Blogger, I hate the new Google thing.

Hello all. I can't really say much is up except I have Uggs, some banging new skirts, and a new and improved enthusiasm for school. Plus, I got the highest grade on my Lab Forensics midterm in my class. It snowed last night and Scooter from Beauty and the Geek is really cute. I'm taking classes this Sunday and learning how to make A PLEATED SKIRT.

I talked a lot to a certain cutie today. And started my Creative Writing class. I walked into the wrong class though, at first. I was like, OH LORD. Then I called a boy stupid and he was like, "Who me?" And I was like, YOUR MOTHER. jk.

Friday, January 26, 2007

"Lay off my man, you honky BIOTCH"

When the going gets tough, the stressed,tired, and cold tough gets going, bitches.

A bunch of girls got into another fight today at school. I could really never do that...knock someone out. EXCEPT in certain circumstances and today I was dangerously close to doing so.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

It's That Time Again

Well, as your resident Geek I have to tell you that I've been a total Book Worm lately. I'm still reading that book on Freud (and THAT will be a fun review, I tell you), but recently, in between studying my ass off, I managed to read some fun Chick Lit.

By who? I don't know, I think it's Anne River Siddons. Or something. ANYWAY- this is a pretty addicting read. At about four hundred pages, Outer Banks is a tale of a rather annoying forty-something who can't get over the fact that

A) She will die one day. (Thus, a lot of chapters about the cancerous "Pacmen" cells.

B) Her mother is a crazy Born Again Christian.

c) Her first love and first Native American friend, Paul, left her for her best friend Ginger, that floosy.

Obviously, Kate has a lot of issues; on a more serious note, she's still mourning the loss of her five year old son, and she dangerously dangles over the "Abyss" (Cue sad music).

Anyway, Kate goes back to the Outer Banks for a reunion with her three best friends from her old college days. Why, I have no idea. She only really liked one of them. The other stole her boyfriend, and the other was a total oddball turned rich trashy romance author. (Note: Trashy romance novels are fun).

So, while at the Outer Banks, Kate gets drunk, sings a lot of songs, gets even more drunk, and- REUNITES WITH HER OLD LOVE, PAUL! Faceless Paul!! (My friend Nikki and I both found that while all the characters looked like real people in our eyes, Paul had no face.) So while Kate runs away in the middle of a hurricane to hook up with Paul in a motel, Fig (the friend no one really liked) stalks her and at the last minute shoots the only likeable friend in the chest before shooting HERSELF.

Let me tell you. This is the most addicting and ridiculous book I have ever read, and I give it FIVE THOUSAND MAJILLION STARS.


1. Today, my friend told me that Max and Britney and I remind him of the Breakfast Club. How, I don't know. But anyway- he called me the Basket Case. Mind you, this is the third person to make that connection with me before. Many a time have I been called The BasketCase girl. Even though I can guarantee that I'm saner then that bitch.

So I said to my teacher, "Is it an insult if someone called me The BasketCase from the Breakfast Club?"

He thinks.

"Is that Ally Shedy?"
"Well, no, because she's cute."

AND GUYS- He literally said she was cute at least five times. No exaggeration there. Scary case of being hit on. You had to be there, it was awkward. I guess he was a huge Brat Pack fan or something.

BasketCase > The Princess

Letter to Blair Hornstine

Dear Blair,
I know not where you are, where you ended up going to college. Nor do I know if you really did have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (The coolest disease ever, due to my boyfriend Stuart Murdoch from Belle and Sebastian), or if you are really a stupid, senseless, cruel and heartless biotch. Or maybe your parents are just the biotches. Whatever the case, you are rich. I am not. You certainly came off as a rich spoiled American Princess. And I'm just ballin'.

(((This girl's story still amazes me to this day)))

Monday, January 22, 2007


I think I'm going to get David Gahan to sing at my wedding.

My English final was easy.

One thing Crest White Strips doesn't tell you is that it burns.

sweetshop avengers

Sometimes I think I'd like Bis a lot better if it was just male vocals. It's a lot better than listening to that girl bark all the time.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

What Happens To A Brain That's Been Fried?

I have studied. So much. Today.

And I'm not even done yet.

How do overachieving Asian math majors at Rutgers do it?

In other news. No. There isn't even other news. I'm just totally BOMBED right now. Nothing is going on. Except my brain is working overtime. Iodine fuming. Linear equations. Pathology. X and Y coordinates.

Tomorrow: Serology, and Chapter Three in my math textbook (I don't even know what that is), American Lit notes, and whatever happened after the Guilded Age.

Today: The Guilded Age.


Friday, January 19, 2007

I Never Thought I'd Be One of Those Girls...

..whose hair falls out when she's stressed.

Actually, it's more of just a bad hair week. Maybe I'm using the wrong shampoo or something. But I'm realizing, little by little, that I am probably the most stressed person I know right now and it's taking a toll on my whole face. Except my GUNS.

Overnight, it seems, I have really toned arms. I don't even have to flex to make the muscles. Y-eah.

In other news, I've been analyzing my dreams ala Freud and all I have to say is, I'm pretty weird.

I want everyone right now to go to the Blog, Smart Bitches Trashy Books (or whatever it's called). It's kept me laughing for the

Today I tried on a pair of Uggs, and this little girl comes up to me, and says, "Those are my shoes." I wanted to cry. I imagined myself as the little girl. I'd be mortified if this big pimply teenager tried on my Uggs. Damn, imagine being seven and having Uggs.


1. Could Wilco be the best American band? Yes.
2. Could Wilco be the best band? Yes.
2 1/2. Could Jeff Tweedy Yankee Hotel Foxtrot era be the most gorgeous Indie rock God ever? Yes. It is a proven fact.
3. Will Matawan win Mock Trial in two weeks? No. :-(
4. Will Laura go home and become a Born Again Christian, according to her Fundamentalist history teacher? HELL NO.
5. Will Laura burn during the summer of 2007? Yes.
6. Will Morrissey tour the US this year? Yes.
7. Will Laura get onstage? Yes.
8. Will Laura become the girl from My Life With Morrissey? ...hopefully not.
9. Will Laura pass all of the midterms with flying colors? The world may never know.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


as a slightly competent seventeen year old, i have so many responsibilities and things to be worrying about. I mean, i have midterms next week, the sat in march, three-four ap tests in the near future, and the hespa.

but i want to get started on an addiction.


I want some predictable plotlines, I want some less than intelligent characters, and I want to give up the Balzac and the Proust for something FUN.

like fabio ???

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

American Idol Season Six Premiere Review

Well, last night I tuned in with my fellow Americans and watched the first episode of American Idol. The episode showed the audition process in Minneapolis (I think?). Of course, there wasn't any real talent, and tons of weirdos showed up, like the Amish Guy and the Cowardly Lion girl. All in all, only a few people were accepted, among them, a sixteen year old "crack baby". Paula Abdul looked under the influence SEVERAL times, Simon was flabbergasted and sarcastic, and Randy was just Randy. Jewel, the guest judge, was an ice cold bitch who crushed the hopes and dreams of her biggest fan in the first few minutes of the program; a definite disturbing way of starting the show.
That's life, everyone. I've never been so busy with all my shit at school. Today after rehersal- I'm going to write two more paragraphs on my essay on CREATIONISM VS. EVOLUTION. Then, I'm going to study some of Chapter Two in my math textbook, and read more of my English BC THAT'S THE FIRST FINAL I HAVE!! Then, on the bike, I'm going to multitask- look over my digital photo notes, and read the first chapter of my forensic textbook.

Then just f that, because I'm going to look through the notes. There's no way I'm going to read the whole book.


Then, I'll watch IDOL, and read some more of FREUD, because it roxxxxxxxx

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Hello, all. Today was my birthday. I got seventeen birthday hugs from BARBS and Clueless on DVD, as well as UGGS. YEEEEEEEES. I want to be a part of the human race! Woo!!

In other news- I found the projects I want to work on for next Christmas.

Tonight American Idol begins. As you can expect, I will be definitely doing in depth reviews and critiques of the show. Y-eah.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

A Dream

I dreamt we were going down to the shore. For a month. But it was so last minute that I was literally shoving items of clothing into my suitcase. I begged my Mom to let me go to Barnes and Noble. I wanted to pick up a stupid romance novel, one with Fabio on the cover or something. So on the way to Bayville she dropped me off. BTW, it was literally 100 degrees. (A foreshadow of things to come, since scientists say this summer is going to be the HOTTEST EVER. Not the hottest in ten years, or whatever- BUT EVER.)

Anyway, I walked in and everything was totally different. I could hardly find any books, there were CDs and treadmills everywhere.


I miss summer '06. It was fun. I listened to a lot of Smiths and wore a lot of board shorts.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Wow, A Computer and a New Car!

Wow, a computer and a new car!

Anyways, this week has been stressful like no other. There was lots of good and lots of not so goods/frustrating hw. But I'm happy to say that on Saturday I am going to eat lots and lots of lomaine, and be like, yeeah.

Mr. Milan- please please please please please please please let the test be easy tomorrow. Your tests are the balls. I'd love to see an easy one.

On that note, let me go study

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Pork Fried Rice

One of the things I love about Matawan is its sense of comraderie. (SP?) Really, it's true. In Middle School things were all about cliques and who was a nerd and who was popular. In High School no one gives a crap. We're all friends. We all played Mortal Kombat when we were young, and we all hated Mr. Beadle.

And in life, that's all that really matters.

Still, I'm going to be happy to go to college and meet new people and see new things and start over. I think Psych is looking really strong as my major right now; I love psych. Psych is perfect for me because I'm curious by nature and I read "Sybil" when I was twelve years old. For real. If that's not Freud in the making, I don't know what.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Time Doesn't Exist

Time doesn't exist. I tell myself that when I wonder if there's still time to get to know ___ or have fate be extra nice with sugar on top to us. Time is, after all, a figment of our imagination. Well not exactly. Time is relative. Time is like a dream. What seems like an interlude now could be the beginning of love.

LOL That's Morrissey and Nancy Sinatra, sry.

Then again, what is f8? f8 is this crazy thing that is probably less possible than time. I spend so much hoping everyone's f8 is gr8. i want some gr8 f8 2, plzz!! lolzz rotfl!!

Love, Laura (who really wants a boyfriend)

Chinese Food and Ginger Cookies

Today I woke up realizing that this week was going to be the balls. It's that time of the month where I crave Chinese food and ginger cookies. It's also that time of the month where I get really tired and lazy.

Just throw her off the bridge, and toss her in the bree/She's coming in between us/You know the girl I mean/It's hard when you live across the sea/But one day I know you'll be mine/

RIGHT NOW- Search: Pam Berry Black Tambourine.


In soviet Russia, they put tabs ON YOU!!

In Soviet Russia, O RLY???!!!

Friday, January 05, 2007


I don't think I've ever been so happy to have colitis, guys! Yeees!

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Ok. I don't think my Scottish accent sounds Irish, everybody.

I had the weirdest dream. My Italian and Forensics class was camping out in my room, by the light of my I-Pod radio (which makes an odd humming noise, btw). So obviously it was very crowded. I was the lucky one and got to sleep in my own bed, haha.

It reminded me of The Smiths lyric, I dreamt about you last night and I fell out of bed twice.

I want to buy something, so now I'm going to shop EBAY and see what clothes I can get that can fit my bustline, because I have a freaking huge back

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

In Digital Photo....


Listening to: Plainsong, by The Cure on the Marie Antoinette Soundtrack.

I just want a snowday!! I want to stay in the house and be comfortable all day, and do nothing but watch Strangers With Candy and read, and STITCH. Ahh I'm so far behind. I finished my bagpipe one, hehehe, it's so cute!! I still have to do that stupid Harvest thing, though. Wow I should probably take a break and pick it up next year or something.

I'm listening to PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE. That's the FIRST Depeche Mode song I ever heard! I loved it! I was like, These gay guys are AWESOME! But guess what? Depeche Mode isn't gay. They're just possibly the gayest band ever.

Monday, January 01, 2007


"Oscar Wilde was a fat bitch and so is our Moz."

LOL Rotflcopter.