Wednesday, January 17, 2007

American Idol Season Six Premiere Review

Well, last night I tuned in with my fellow Americans and watched the first episode of American Idol. The episode showed the audition process in Minneapolis (I think?). Of course, there wasn't any real talent, and tons of weirdos showed up, like the Amish Guy and the Cowardly Lion girl. All in all, only a few people were accepted, among them, a sixteen year old "crack baby". Paula Abdul looked under the influence SEVERAL times, Simon was flabbergasted and sarcastic, and Randy was just Randy. Jewel, the guest judge, was an ice cold bitch who crushed the hopes and dreams of her biggest fan in the first few minutes of the program; a definite disturbing way of starting the show.
That's life, everyone. I've never been so busy with all my shit at school. Today after rehersal- I'm going to write two more paragraphs on my essay on CREATIONISM VS. EVOLUTION. Then, I'm going to study some of Chapter Two in my math textbook, and read more of my English BC THAT'S THE FIRST FINAL I HAVE!! Then, on the bike, I'm going to multitask- look over my digital photo notes, and read the first chapter of my forensic textbook.

Then just f that, because I'm going to look through the notes. There's no way I'm going to read the whole book.


Then, I'll watch IDOL, and read some more of FREUD, because it roxxxxxxxx

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