Friday, January 19, 2007

I Never Thought I'd Be One of Those Girls...

..whose hair falls out when she's stressed.

Actually, it's more of just a bad hair week. Maybe I'm using the wrong shampoo or something. But I'm realizing, little by little, that I am probably the most stressed person I know right now and it's taking a toll on my whole face. Except my GUNS.

Overnight, it seems, I have really toned arms. I don't even have to flex to make the muscles. Y-eah.

In other news, I've been analyzing my dreams ala Freud and all I have to say is, I'm pretty weird.

I want everyone right now to go to the Blog, Smart Bitches Trashy Books (or whatever it's called). It's kept me laughing for the

Today I tried on a pair of Uggs, and this little girl comes up to me, and says, "Those are my shoes." I wanted to cry. I imagined myself as the little girl. I'd be mortified if this big pimply teenager tried on my Uggs. Damn, imagine being seven and having Uggs.


1. Could Wilco be the best American band? Yes.
2. Could Wilco be the best band? Yes.
2 1/2. Could Jeff Tweedy Yankee Hotel Foxtrot era be the most gorgeous Indie rock God ever? Yes. It is a proven fact.
3. Will Matawan win Mock Trial in two weeks? No. :-(
4. Will Laura go home and become a Born Again Christian, according to her Fundamentalist history teacher? HELL NO.
5. Will Laura burn during the summer of 2007? Yes.
6. Will Morrissey tour the US this year? Yes.
7. Will Laura get onstage? Yes.
8. Will Laura become the girl from My Life With Morrissey? ...hopefully not.
9. Will Laura pass all of the midterms with flying colors? The world may never know.

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