Friday, December 22, 2006

You're the Man Now Dog

There's a kid I know who I will call Tyler Pickle, for anonymity's sake. He is a soph, and pretty out there but in that totally cool "I know more about Leroy Jenkins than you do" way. In fact, he was listening to rap today, and this girl was rapping about Boba Fett, and weird stuff.

This kid is awesome.

At one point, his friend was playing Runescape, and when our teacher asked what it was, he said, "Why, it's Runescape- only the hottest game on the net right now." I love it; it's like he's so self-deprecating about his nerdiness.

Sean Connery was really such a good looking guy. I love him. My Italian teacher and I both agree, Sean Connery, as a seventy year old man, is still mad attractive. Sneh's like, "But he's hairy!!!" That's true. But he's Scottish.

Dear JK Rowling,
Even though I stopped reading at book number four or so, I really have a lot of respect for you. You're a huge Morrissey fan, you live in Scotland, and you seem to be a very interesting, compassionate, and funny person. We'd be friends, in that total Italian Teacher/ Student way. Except you're an author. But anyway, I applaud you for your dedication to the Harry Potter series. Those books are mad long. You have a lot of patience. However, I have to admit that the title of the seventh book (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) is possibly the stupidest thing I have ever heard. I almost choked on my saliva when I heard that was the name. I thought, "Wow, I got to check that out on" and much to my surprise, it isn't an Internet Rumor; it's the truth.

Jk Rowling, you are a sane member of our planet Earth, but in naming the final installment of your biggest achievement "Harry Potter and the Deathy Hallows", you lose some cred. Fix this problem. To help you out, I've created some great ideas you should consider seriously.

1) Harry Potter and the Ravages of Acne- Acne is extremely powerful in any teenager's life; even Voldemort wouldn't stand a chance against cystic acne. And who knows if you guys have Proactive??

2) Harry Potter and the Annoying Seven Movies- Wow, the fact that they keep on coming out with Harry Potter movies makes me want to chew my teeth.

3) Harry Potter and the Question of Sexuality- There's got to be someone gay at Hogwarts.

No, but really, I like Harry Potter. Just not like that one girl who wears wizards' robes and lives on those jelly beans and is constantly re-reading books 1-6. And not like the girl who signs her papers, Liz Malfoy

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