Monday, October 02, 2006


Are you ready for Lost Season III?

What you may not know about him from just reading this summer's blog posts, is that I'm a huge Lost fanatic and during the year I live and breathe Lost. I am all about that show. So, in this post, I am going to share some opinions on the cast of characters that make up Lost, as well as adding in some Project Runway shit at the end.

The Men and Women of Lost

1. Desmond- Des, Des, Des!!! I love Desmond, I love Desmond. He is my favorite character, mainly because he's still mostly a mystery to the viewers. He's elusive, passionate, and full of faith. And a healthy Fife accent never hurt anyone much at all, does it? Also, he's bom chicka bom bom.

2. Mr. Eko- Mr. Eko is damn muscular and awesome. Some of his actions are really inexplicable, but I like him because he's probably the coolest priest ever and also he can snap a person in half quite easily.

3. Jack- Jack got seriously annoying, but I give him props for just trying to keep things in order. He has to realize that he can't be the hero, and he can't be the leader of the island, just because of his status as a rich doctor. But I don't hate Jack, like some fans of Lost do, and I hope he saves the day in the next few episodes. (this won't happen).

4. Kate- Kate is really annoying. She reminds me of this girl I know who I'd like to smack in the face. What is wrong with this girl? Almost everything. When she's not sulking about being a misunderstood fugitive, she's fulfilling all her odd Oepidus complexes by flirting and crushing on Sawyer (aka her dad). She's also whiny. Meh.

5. Sawyer- I love Sawyer. Who else is going to call Jin Chewbacca?

6. Hurley- I love Hurley too. Des and Hurley are, I think, the most important to the show. Go Hurley.

And for Project Runway- I hated everyone's outfit last week.

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