Friday, July 20, 2007

Kurt and Courtney

I was watching the big steaming pile of shit that is the "documentary" Kurt and Courtney the other day. Although I'm convinced Courtney DIDN'T kill Kurt, and I could probably go on forever about how horrible the documentary is, I like to watch parts occasionally because it's like the biggest circus of eccentric drug addicts. Some really crazy people there. Some funny moments, too.

Anyway, one thing that really moves me is Kurt's Aunt Mari, who doesn't blame Courtney for Kurt's death, btw. She really loved Kurt; her whole house is filled with pictures,old tapes, video, etc. She has such a warmth about her. She plays guitar and goes to schools in the area, talking and singing about the dangers of drug addiction and getting help for depression, etc. In a documentary full of shady characters with obvious biases and/or no real connections to Kurt OR Courtney, Kurt's aunt is like a beacon of hope and um, REALITY. The whole documentary is full of people who knew Kurt through a friend, or shot up with him a few times...aka, people who didn't really know him and insult his memory through their participation and involvement in this stupid project. But Kurt's Aunt Mari is the only one whose love for Kurt shines through the film.

What a cool person.

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