Wednesday, July 25, 2007

After calming down...


I have a Dr.'s apt. on Friday in the city. Not THE BIG ONE, but almost the big one. I'm kind of nervous, just because I don't want my life ruined by getting a spleen-ectomy (sp?). That'd ruin my life, honestly.


1. I wish I had $!!!

2. I don't understand Donnie Darko. And trust me, I am on the wavelength of weird existential movies that take repeated viewings to understand. I'm like the mastermind of decoding themes, symbols, and existential shit. But Donnie Darko confounds me. I don't get it. Would someone like to help me? I watched the movie, wikipedia-ed it, and read all this crap about The Tangent Universe and Manipulated Dead. And all along I thought it was a dream that a disturbed schizophrenic boy had. What is going on? Nothing was explained. But not even that- even the things that COULD BE EXPLAINED were NEVER INVOLVED IN THE MOVIE. it seems like the director later on got real pissed at people asking him "WTF", and he made up all these plots that he, uh, forgot to put in the movie.

3. Tammy Faye died :-( And I truly loved that woman. RIP, Tammy.

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