Saturday, July 14, 2007

Why the :-( Face

I took one of those face things where they scan your face and find what celebs look most like you. When I first took it, Mariah Carey and that chick from Mean Girls were my first two matches. But that was a year ago. I just did it, and Kelly Clarkson, Minnie Driver, Debra Messing, and Pamela Anderson came up lol.


1. I saw my baby cousins yesterday, and had soo much fun. Little Catherine gave me a cute hug and wouldn't let me go. I love her to death. I hope I get to babysit her soon.

2. I got a 4 on the AP English Lang test!!!


1. My platelets are the lowest they have ever been. It basically comes down to, we don't know what the eff is wrong with me.
2. I might have to get a six hour infusion at Robert Wood.


1. If it comes down to that we're going to call my cousins up and ask if i could play with Catherine for a day to cheer me up because she is the cutest thing on two feet.

i'm going to go to bed now, and listen to Phantom Power.

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