Friday, September 22, 2006

DayDream Nation

Daydream Nation. What an album. What a scary, confusing album.

When I first listened to it, I was kind of confounded. Parts of it I liked, other parts I didn't. Sometimes I'd put it on and completely forget ten minutes later I was listening to music.

But now I listen to DayDream Nation, and I love it. It's the soundtrack to life. I don't know if that makes any sense, especially since the lyrics are like "I wanna know, should I stay or go?" and "I ain't no cow" (or something), but the music- the riffs, the noise, the sonic explosions (LOL), are reminiscent of life. "Candle"- doesn't it remind you of when you're at school and that person you like yet hate so desperately comes walking in? Doesn't "Kissability" remind you of Marilyn Monroe on Meth? Doesn't "Teen Age Riot" remind you of putting pictures up in your locker?

I was thinking before about some disappointing stuff about school, etc., and I literally thought, "Hey, it's ok, I got Daydream Nation."

And it's true. It's possibly one of my favorite albums. Everyone should be acquainted with the power of Sonic Youth.

Who'd win in a fight? Pavement or Sonic Youth? SY, of course.

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