Friday, September 15, 2006

More Project Runway

Ok, let's talk about PR the other night. Firstly, we got a surprise by our favorite of favoritest people, ANGELA and VINCENT!!!!!!!

I was really surprised they brought the two of the back, but I was happy to see Jeffrey look so pissed. Maybe Angela really is a bitch? Who knows. It's reality tv, after all.

Let's discuss the creations, people.

1. Jeffrey- WTF. Seriously, guys. This is something you can buy at Wet Seal. It DOES look cheap, just like Kayne said. Now I'm not dissing Wet Seal- sometimes they have cute clothes. But you don't wear a streetwalker's ensemble to a freaking cocktail party. Final Verdict:Not innovative, pile of crap.

2. Angela- WTF. Seriously, Angela. It didn't even fit her right. Final Verdict: Boring, peice of crap.

3. Laura- BEAUTIFUL!!! Something that I would wear to a party. People who criticize it say that it's too old looking, but I think it's a great vintage peice. It was made wonderfully. Laura has a lot of talent. You go, girl. Final Verdict:Deserved to win.

4. Kayne- Loved the front, hated the back. Kayne is one of my favorites, and I was so sad to see him go. Final Verdict: If the challenge were to make black dresses, he should have won. But unforunately the white ribbon tassell on the back threw him off.

5. Michael- Nice!!! The model looked pretty, too. You can tell she likes Michael. Final Verdict: Great work, as expected.

6. Uli- Cute, but just as Nina Garcia said, should've cut the sleeves. Final Verdict: Nice, for Uli, but needs to show something more unique.

Vincent really is out of his mind. "Vincent Libretti, the end of an era" hit it right on the spot. I'll miss Kayne. Angela is weird. Laura is quickly becoming one of my favs. Jeffrey needs to make something for the average person, or maybe someone who isn't into pretending they're "rock".


In other news, I just had a pep rally. My butt hurt. I miss the days of being a freshmen. Tear, tear, tear.

Today I'm going shopping for skinny jeans. (hope I look good in them... maybe only audrey hepburn types can wear them) Then I am taking my mom out to eat, and we are going to the library. Boring Friday? maybe. but it's fun for me, and plus- it's raining like crazy. All day it looked like night; so dark and dreary. Very Braveheart/Scotland-esque, be still my heart.

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