Sunday, September 10, 2006


If you know anything about modern music, you'll know that Morrissey, always called "elder statesman of rock" by lazy journalists, has the best concerts ever. Not only is it freaking MORRISSEY, guys, but his concerts are like religous experiences. Audience members run onto the stage, scream, cry, and climb ontop of the shoulders of security guards to reach their idol.

Who will join those crazy Mexicans next time Morrissey comes to NY?

Yours truly.

I'm not sure you want to go to a Morrissey concert with me, because chances are, as soon as he enters that stage, I'll completely ignore you and leave you to become lost or trampled in the swarming crowd. The sea of fans may part us, and I'll have to leave you. Because in that instant where he walks out and begins to sing, "The First of the Gang to Die", I'm getting on that freaking stage. I don't care if I have to be carried off by security guards. I'll go down in history for being the most fanatic female fan, that one girl who consitently rushed the stage at "that one Morrissey concert in '06."

I'm sure it'll be between me and some gay dude, for the most times we rush the stage. I'll win, though, because I'm fast.

I'll be like, "STOP ME, OH OH OH, STOP ME" to all the fat guards who don't reliaze how sacred a Morrissey concert is.

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